Publishers Guidelines

Registration and Approval

  1. Registration Process

    Space owners can register their location through our website or by contacting our sales team.

  2. Field Audit

    A sales representative will conduct a site visit to assess the suitability of your location for advertising, considering factors like foot traffic and visibility.

  3. Approval Process

    Based on the field audit, we will notify you of the approval decision for installing a display at your location.

  4. Location and Suitability

    Location Criteria

    Our salesperson will verify your location is suitable for displays and advertising. This might include factors like:

    • High foot traffic
    • Good visibility from roads or walkways or inside the store
    • Availability of a reliable power source
    • Minimum space requirements for display installation

Installation and Maintenance

  1. TV Installation: We Hype Loop will be responsible for the professional installation of the digital signage display at your location. This includes providing and setting up a cellular internet dongle to ensure reliable internet connectivity for the display.
  2. TV Maintenance: We will handle all maintenance and repairs of the display throughout the agreement. Scheduled maintenance will be conducted every 3 months. Our sales team will contact you in advance to coordinate a convenient time for the technician to visit.
  3. Space Owner Responsibilities: You (the space owner) are responsible for providing a safe and secure location for the display, ensuring it has a reliable power sour

Display Usage and Content

  1. Content Management: We will manage the content displayed on the screen, ensuring it adheres to local advertising regulations.
  2. TV Operation: Our sales representative will provide you with a user-friendly dongle and app to control basic functions like turning the TV on/off and downloading ads. You can choose to have minimal control over content selection, but any changes would require our approval.
  3. TV Uptime: To ensure smooth ad delivery, please turn on the TV each morning and leave it on throughout the day. We understand the need to turn it off occasionally, but extended periods of downtime will affect your commission for those days.

Commission and Payment

  1. Commission Structure: You will receive a commission based on the number of ads displayed on the screen and the total running time of the display each day.
  2. Tax Deductions (TDS): We will deduct any applicable taxes (TDS) from your commission and provide a payment with the net amount.
  3. Payment Schedule: Commissions will be paid monthly between the 25th and 30th day of the month.
  4. Payment Information: To facilitate commission payments, we will collect your bank account details during the registration process.
Ban Clause

The space owner may be terminated by Hype Loop upon three (3) months written notice. Reasons for ban may include, but are not limited to:

Space Owner
  • Failure to maintain a safe and secure location for the display or uphold a reliable power source.
  • Repeated or prolonged periods of display downtime without prior notification and approval.
  • Damage to the display caused by the space owner or their actions.
  • Violation of any terms or conditions outlined in the policy guidelines.
Hype Loop Actions
  • Removal of the display due to unforeseen circumstances or business decisions.
  • Failure to maintain or repair the display promptly.
  • Violation of any terms or conditions outlined in the Agreement.

Important Note: In the event of termination by Hype Loop due to a violation of this Agreement by the Space Owner, the Space Owner will be ineligible for future partnerships with Hype Loop, and we will not install any displays at their locations.

Upon ban of the space owner
  • Hype Loop will remove the display from the Space Owner’s location within 10-12 business days and restore the location to its original condition, excluding normal wear and tear.
  • Any outstanding commissions owed to the Space Owner will be paid within 10-15 business days following the termination date.
  • Hype Loop reserves the right to remove any content or advertising materials from the display.
Data Security and Privacy
  • Data Ownership: By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that Hype Loop owns all data collected through the display, such as anonymized foot traffic patterns or demographics.
  • Data Security: Hype Loop takes data security seriously and implements appropriate measures to safeguard any collected data.
  • Compliance: Hype Loop adheres to all relevant data privacy regulations.