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Sign up for Hype Loop and receive ₹500 worth of free ad credits to advertise on digital screens! Simply apply the coupon code “WELCOME500” at checkout. Terms and conditions apply.

Elevate Your Client’s Success in DOOH Advertising

In today’s crowded and competitive digital landscape, Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising represents a powerful channel for your clients to reach their target audience in a cost-effective way.
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DOOH adverising in Chennai
DOOH adverising in Chennai

Benefits of Partnering with HypeLoop

Generating Brand Awareness for Your Clients

Leverage our diverse network of digital screens strategically placed in high footfall areas.

Precision Targeting

Geographic and Demographic Audience targeting. Target your clients' audience based on geography and demographics, ensuring impactful outreach.


Hype Loop helps with smart spending, big impact. Provide your clients with budget-friendly solutions that deliver exceptional value.

Unskippable Ads

The only way your audience can turn off your campaign is to blink. Apart from blinking, your audience can never turn your campaigns off. As a result, your campaigns can achieve 100% visibility.

You Just need 3 steps to get started
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Register as a Partner

Create your partner account and await approval from our support team.

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Account Setup

Add your client details and their requirements.

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Start Earning Commission

Start receiving a 5% commission on each ad spent.

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